


Below we have listed some of our most commonly asked questions. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We live interstate from the property is this a problem?2020-09-03T22:59:53+10:00

No, many of our clients live some distance from the property.

We would like some items donated to charity can you help with this?2020-09-03T22:59:53+10:00

Yes, we invite our clients to partner with us in a unique PROPERTY CLEARANCE program known as Pass-it-Forward. Within this program we work with our established network of charitable organisations to pass items to those of need in our community. For example, young adults who come out of foster care at the age of 18 and need assistance to establish the essentials in a rental property situation. In most cases we would expect to engage between 6-10 charitable organisations with different needs and specialties, all would be very grateful for your support.

Some items are valuable, can you help with these?2020-09-03T22:59:53+10:00

Yes we can return these items to you if needed or we can arrange for the sale of these items on your behalf if you prefer.

Do I need to be at the property while you work?2020-09-03T22:59:53+10:00

No you do not, in fact it is unusual for a client to attend however if you choose to you are welcome of course.

What are your payment terms?2020-09-03T22:59:54+10:00

We ask for a payment equivalent to 50% of our fixed price fee at the time our service is confirmed with the balance due at the completion of our engagement and when you are completely satisfied with the outcome.

How long will it take for you to provide a quote?2020-09-03T22:59:54+10:00

We will provide you with a fixed fee quote following a telephone conversation which typically lasts between 15-30 minutes. It is vital for us to understand your priorities and circumstances in order to customise an engagement and quotation for you. You will receive the quote within 24 hours of this phone conversation.

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We believe there are items in the home that we want to retain but don’t know where they are, can you help?2020-09-03T22:59:54+10:00

Yes we can, we can act under your instructions to search for particular items and also use our discretion if we consider we find an item that could have sentimental or financial value to you.

The property will need some work before sale can you help with that?2020-09-03T22:59:54+10:00

Yes we can, typically we will arrange for quotes on areas we recommend are attended to and provide you with a complete report to consider. Once the work is confirmed we can manage this activity with the relevant tradespeople and suppliers.

How long does the process take?2020-09-03T22:59:55+10:00

Clearing a property of possessions, cleaning and completing gardening activity can all typically be completed within a week. If any renovation or landscaping work is required this can take longer and is dependant on the nature of this work.

I find it emotionally challenging to visit the property, can you still help?2020-09-03T22:59:55+10:00

Yes we can, this is understandable and not uncommon. You do not have to return to the property at any stage if you choose not to.

What if there are items we want to keep?2020-09-03T22:59:55+10:00

You have the option of removing these prior to the commencement of our engagement or you can also give us instructions of what items you want to keep. We can return these items to you, or in some cases multiple locations for different family members if needed.

Do you need to visit the property to provide a quote?2020-09-03T22:59:55+10:00

Not usually, we will provide you with a fixed fee quote following a telephone conversation which typically lasts between 15-30 minutes. It is vital for us to understand your priorities and circumstances in order to customise an engagement and quotation for you.

How much do you charge?2020-09-03T22:59:56+10:00

We will provide you with a fixed fee quote following a telephone conversation which typically lasts between 15-30 minutes. It is vital for us to understand your priorities and circumstances in order to customise an engagement and quotation for you.

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What do we need to do ourselves?2020-09-03T22:59:56+10:00

As little or as much as you want to do.

When should we contact you?2020-09-03T22:59:56+10:00

We suggest as early as possible as you contemplate the task ahead. Some of our past clients have attempted to start the process themselves believing they had to prepare the property for us to commence our work. This is often emotionally and physically challenging. It is also unnecessary, whatever the current circumstances of the property and possessions, we can start from there.

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  • 1300 200 292
  • 7.00am - 7.00pm, Mon - Sun
  • Servicing all of Australia
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We clear, clean, fix, style and prepare your property for sale